Wednesday, 26 November 2008

The excitement never portrait studio in Somerset!

As some of your know, as well as being a busy wedding photographer, I also take on a few commissions for portrait photography. This has been mainly requests for location portrait photography and if I've ever needed a studio then I simply 'borrow' one off a friend. However, the requests have been growing year on year and in 2008 I've been inundated with them. So.......I have finally decided to build my own studio here at the new house in North exciting!

It's going to be a home based potrait studio as I love the benefits that it brings. The majority of my portrait work is babies and children whose parents bring them to me specifically as they know how much I love kids and the rapport I build with them. They know that the shoots will be fun for their children and stress-free for them!

It's imperative when you do a baby portrait or a child portrait that they feel relaxed with you and their environment before you start to shoot. Having a home portrait studio not only means I can make it exactly as I want and have all the little things to hand that makes life easier (building bricks, toys, bubbles!) but also means it's in a much more informal environment. I can spend time playing and getting to know everyone before I even take the camera out of the bag.

As those of you who know me well know once my minds made up I'm not one to hang building work starts tomorrow!

I'll of course keep you posted on progress and of couse, post a few piccies!!

Venetia x

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